Agile4Collaboration held its first training in Kortrijk, Belgium

Jan 6, 2023

From November 28 until December 2, the partners of Agile4Collaboration came together in Kortrijk, Belgium, for a week of Learning, Teaching and Training Activities.
For five days, we could learn from each other and other people outside the team and share our knowledge and skills within our team.
Our week in a nutshell:

  • We had the opportunity to get the perspective of a group of teachers about agile learning and talk about conventional schools’ barriers to integrating agile learning principles and practices – We’re so grateful for their commitment.
  • We talked about cultures of collaborations, roles in a team, and concretely mapped our team using the Full Circle Leadership of Alana Irving – Our circle seems to be fulfilled.
  • We had an introduction in how education research analyzes how learning processes work: What happens concretely during a learning process? Why is it different to learn and to rehearse for an examination? Why do we learn something better if we do not practice every day, but 2-3 times a week? In this session, we learned a lot about learning.
  • We had an interesting call with José (José Manuel Sanchez Galán), the founder of the Senbazuru Agile Center in Madrid – special thanks to the two children also taking part in the conversation for their valuable contribution in perfect English. Impressive.

During this intensive meeting, we used agile tools to facilitate our work. The Community Mastery Board, for instance, supported us to set up our agreements for the week such as arriving 5 min before the start of the morning session, and we mastered this as a group.

Many thanks to Rhizo School Kortrijk for having welcomed us and to all the people who made this week so fun and productive.


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