Handbook “Agile and Self-Directed Education for Inclusive Resilient Collaboration”

Type :


Format :


Authors :


Language :

Dutch, English, French, German, Romanian, Spanish

Tags :

ALC, agile, self-directed education, school

Accessibility :

Free access

Agile Learning Phase :


Resource :

Description :

This handbook, aimed at teachers, educators and pedagogues, is an invitation to explore new ways of experimenting with agile learning in a traditional educational context and to varying degrees, and is also intended to support educational pioneers in the creation of schools based on agile learning. It aims to inspire policy-makers to consider agile learning as a viable option for responding to changing needs and a changing world. Finally, the handbook seeks to encourage educators to think differently about their role as facilitators between young learners and our world.

Good for :

Educators interested in agile methodologies that promote autonomy, collaboration, and self-exploration in community learning environments