Agile4Collaboration is developed by a consortium of five European partners:

CollectiveUP (Project coordinator, Belgium)
CollectiveUP is a social enterprise that does research to create methods and technologies that benefit individuals and collectives, including associations, organizations, companies (both in the profit and non-profit sector), families, schools, neighborhoods, cities and municipalities, society. Their work supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. CollectiveUP’s activities include, but are not limited to: researching technologies and methodologies for social impact/good, comparison studies of technologies and methodologies for social impact/good, creation of technologies and methodologies for social good/impact, organization of events, workshops and other kind of dissemination activities of technologies and methodologies for social good/impact. Find out more about CollectiveUP at

K8 Institut für strategische Ästhetik gGmbH (Germany))
K8 was launched in 2015 to facilitate think tank, technology transfer, and training activities for the Academy of Fine Arts Saar (HBKsaar) and its partner organization. It co-develops cross-, open and social innovation projects with other organisations through critical and speculative design approaches. In 2019, K8 has co-developed and conducted ca. 40 multidisciplinary projects in areas such as organizational development, cross-innovation dynamics with creative industry actors and SMEs, applied open innovation research, and collaborative / cooperative economy initiatives. Cooperation with coaches / educators / trainers are a core element of many of these projects, as is the co-creation, implementation, and evaluation of educational formats. K8 cooperates with a series of national and international partners to explore through experimental uses new fields of application for immersive, interactive and visual technologies and archive-based experience designs. Find out more about K8 at

Fundacion Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Spain)
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) is a private independent non-profit university with a distinguished international reputation for its research and teaching. It has a Catholic, open, and international inspiration. Founded in 1993, it is divided into six faculties (Communication, Economic and Juridical Sciences, Education and Psychology, Health Sciences, Medicine, and Experimental Sciences), one Polytechnic School, and hosts in Spain one of the most prestigious schools of culinary arts (Le Cordon Bleu). The UFV Vision for 2023 sets the challenge to be a reference in person-centred disciplines and professions. This challenge means to be a university of transforming and transdisciplinary scientific excellence in both degree and postgraduate courses, with lecturers and methodologies focussed on the sciences centred around the person and with innovative and competitive research. There is also a commitment to be a university which actively participates in the most influential knowledge networks for the service of truth and the good. Find out more about UFV at
RHIZO Lyceum OLV Vlaanderen (Belgium)
RHIZO Lyceum OLV Vlaanderen is an education institution that offers secondary education. By the end of 2014 the school started implementing an innovative education project: School 21.0 ( whose main aims were to offer professional training activities in relation to education technology, build up their own School 21.0 classroom based on the Future Classroom Lab of the European Schoolnet, create a professional network in association with companies, universities and policy makers, as well as to explore and test innovative teaching methods. In 2016 arrived the advent of the 1:1 notebook project. The board of directors and the school leaders stimulate their staff to follow training courses on innovation and the use of educational technology, to experiment a lot and to propose new ideas and projects. Find out more about RHIZO at

Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work (Netherlands)
The PRO WORK knowledge center foundation is a direct result of various national and EU education projects. Within this and other projects, a wide range of innovative methods, tools, teaching aids and techniques has been developed and implemented, both operationally and politically, by a consortium consisting of companies, regional training centers, government (local, regional, national, European) , target group representatives, sector representatives and knowledge centers. PRO WORK offers a broad platform of professionals who are able to realize structural innovations in a demand- driven manner in all kinds of sectors, including business and education. The main objectives of PRO WORK are (1) promoting career development for working people who need vocational education, coaching and guidance, also for people who are very distant from the labor market and / or society and (2) development and implementation of innovations in the field of (vocational) education and training (3) and guiding the transition from school to work. Find out more about PRO WORK at