Agile4Collaboration is a European project funded under the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU that aims to contribute in a collaborative, agile way, to the development of Agile Learning in Europe as a learning method .that is closer to the natural way of learning of people, and that is highly beneficial for learners who are formed in an interactive, collaborative and self-directed way.
Since the Agile Learning method has not been sufficiently explored and adapted to the European educational context and priorities, the Agile4Collaboration emerged to explore the application of these contexts in Europe.

Work on helping schools and universities to have greater freedom and resilience in their educational programmes, using self-directed principles and the Agile philosophy; and
Support entrepreneurs in education to found or develop Agile Learning Centres in the different contexts (formal or non-formal), forms (public, private, for profit, non profit) and in different types (a classroom, schools, animation centres, youth centres, universities).
We are committed to reach our project’s aim: to support the professionalisation of teachers to include in their teaching practices methods of Agile Learning coupled with digital tools to increase their abilities to facilitate learners’ digital competencies linked to collaboration, communication and self-regulation in distance learning environments. We are doing this by contributing to teacher/ facilitator training in self- directed education and Agile Learning, by creating and offering these facilitators proper digital tools to organize their processes, and by developing a network for their continuous development.
This (online) European community will be supported and sustained by the partnership and by the existing International (US mainly) Agile Learning Centres Network. Everyone in the (online) European community and outside of it can join the open online course that we are creating and making available as Open Educational Resource (OER) in order to help educators extend their training and be able to start a career in self-directed environments.