Result 5

Peer-to-Peer Online Community

An online hub specifically designed for Agile Learning practitioners, termed the ‘online Agile Learning Practitioners’ Hub.’ This digital platform aims to elevate the expertise of every practitioner, whether seasoned or aspiring, in effectively utilizing Agile Learning tools and methods.

The hub’s development will involve collaborative efforts with the community through project results 1 – 4, ensuring adaptability to the evolving needs of the Agile Learning enthusiasts we encounter. The hub will provide a space for self-directed learning journeys, empowering practitioners to collaborate and learn from one another.

The exact modalities and technical specifications of the ‘Agile Learning Practitioners’ Hub’ will be fine-tuned in a co-creative process with the community. It will serve as the go-to place for sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and fostering collaborations. This initiative aims to be the pioneering online European community dedicated to Self-Directed Education through Agile learning, with a vision to become the central hub for co-creating Agile Learning practices in Europe.

Our featured videos from Community Meetups! 

(Language of Video) Summary in English – Abby Oulton ( ALC New York City)

Summary in Dutch – Abby Oulton ( ALC New York City)

Summary in German – Abby Oulton ( ALC New York City)

Summary in French – Abby Oulton ( ALC New York City)

Summary in Spanish – Abby Oulton ( ALC New York City)

Summary in Romanian – Abby Oulton ( ALC New York City)

No video available.

Summary in English – DOON

Summary in Dutch – DOON

Summary in German – DOON

Summary in French – DOON

Summary in Spanish – DOON

Summary in Romanian – DOON

(Language of Video) Summary in English – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

Summary in Dutch – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

Summary in German – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

Summary in French – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

Summary in Spanish – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

Summary in Romanian – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

Summary in English – Marianne Delcombel (ALC – École agile 66, France)

Summary in Dutch – Marianne Delcombel (ALC – École agile 66, France)

Summary in German – Marianne Delcombel (ALC – École agile 66, France)

(Language of Video) Summary in French – Marianne Delcombel (ALC – École agile 66, France)

Summary in Spanish – Marianne Delcombel (ALC – École agile 66, France)

Summary in Romanian – Marianne Delcombel (ALC – École agile 66, France)

Summary in English – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

Summary in English – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

Summary in Dutch – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

Summary in French – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

Summary in Spanish – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

Summary in Romanian – José M. Sánchez (ALC Senbazuru, Spain)

(Language of Video) Summary in English – Tim Vuylsteke (RHIZO, Belgium)

Summary in Dutch – Tim Vuylsteke (RHIZO, Belgium)

Summary in German – Tim Vuylsteke (RHIZO, Belgium)

Summary in French – Tim Vuylsteke (RHIZO, Belgium)

Summary in Spanish – Tim Vuylsteke (RHIZO, Belgium)

Summary in Romanian – Tim Vuylsteke (RHIZO, Belgium)

No video available.

Summary in English – Emanuela Gelain (Flow – Agile Learning Center, Italy)

Summary in Dutch – Emanuela Gelain (Flow – Agile Learning Center, Italy)

Summary in German – Emanuela Gelain (Flow – Agile Learning Center, Italy)

Summary in French – Emanuela Gelain (Flow – Agile Learning Center, Italy)

Summary in Spanish – Emanuela Gelain (Flow – Agile Learning Center, Italy)

Summary in Romanian – Emanuela Gelain (Flow – Agile Learning Center, Italy)


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